One of the most difficult and important tasks in preparing a trust for an individual is the selection of a trustee or trustees to manage the trust. Proper management of the trust can make a huge difference in the beneficiary's quality of life for years to come, if not for her entire life. Generally, there are three categories of trustees. Family/friends, Professional Trustees and Professionals serving as trustees (i.e... Attorneys and Accountants).
Here are seven issues I have asked them to consider in making their decision:
As you can see, neither the choice of trustee nor the chosen person's decision to accept the appointment, should be taken lightly. Each client’s decision will be made based on his unique situation, including the available family members and friends, the likely longevity of the trust, the amount of assets under management, and other factors. We find that the combination of a professional trustee who can take care of the administrative side of the trustee's role and a family member who can bring the personal touch often works best. In a practical sense, the professional trustees are more often and attorney because many of the institutionalized trusteed are either cost prohibited or decline to serve because the trust assets are too small.
Professional Trustees
For large sized trusts (commonly of $1.5 Million in non-real estate holdings), due to the complications of the trustee's role, we strongly urge clients to consider professional trustees such as trust companies, and banks. They are equipped to handle the investment, accounting and tax sides of trust operations and can do so with little risk or difficulty. They should be better equipped to fend off inappropriate requests for distributions and to deal with conflicts of interest. On the other hand, many professional trustees are ill-equipped to deal with the issues presented by beneficiaries with special needs, whether they be eligibility for public benefits or responding to sometimes frequent requests for distributions for unusual purposes. They may be more comfortable simply managing trust assets. Anyone selecting a professional trustee must ask about the prospective trustee's experience with special needs trusts and their methods for responding to these questions.
When a large institution is serving as trustee, an inexperienced trust officer may be assigned to the account. He may have little experience dealing with special needs issues. And the person assigned may change over time as employees come and go and, in the case of many banks, as the identity of the bank itself changes from one to another. This can be extremely frustrating for beneficiaries and their families.
Attorneys as Trustees
For trusts of any significant net worth you can consider using a professional trustee such as an attorney. Attorneys don’t charge as much as institutionalized trustees and will handle much smaller trusts. Attorney also may have some history with the family especially the grantors which may aid the attorney in understanding the grantor’s purpose of having the trust. Attorney’s can also serve as a co-trustee with a family member and allow for the separation of work between trustees.
Family Trustees
Choosing family members and friends as trustees also has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that these are people who know and care about the beneficiary and may be able to you the trust funds to provide the greatest benefit for the person with special needs. Many clients are reluctant to give up control to an unknown third party. A further perceived advantage is that family members normally don't charge for their services.
The reality, however, is that trustee fees - typically about 1 percent of trust assets per year, with a minimum for smaller trusts - is very reasonable given the services provided. The risk that a family member trustee will make mistakes or not be able to follow through on the basic trustee responsibilities of prudent investment and accounting are so great that the trustee fee can simply be seen as reasonably-priced insurance. Even the most skilled and responsible family member with the best of intentions may not be able to follow through on all the trustee details given the press of other matters in her life.
In short, to appoint a family member is both a large compliment and placing a large burden on her shoulders.
Clearly, there are problems with both family trustees and professional trustees. One solution which we have used with success in our practice is co-trustees - both a professional and family member trustee working together. This can be the best of both worlds. Everyone can rest easily knowing that the basic trust functions will be carried out by the professional trustee. But the family member trustee will be on the scene to make sure that the trust is used to best serve the beneficiary.
So, You've Been Appointed Trustee, Now What?
You have been asked to serve as trustee on the trust of a family member. This is a great honor meaning that the family member trusts your judgment and is willing to put the welfare of the beneficiary or beneficiaries in your hands. However, it is also a great responsibility. You need to go into it with your eyes wide open.
If after asking these questions you feel comfortable serving as trustee, then accept the role. It is an honor to be asked and you will provide a great service to the grantor and beneficiaries.
This can serve as only an introduction to your duties and responsibilities as trustee.